About 80 years ago, my great-grandpa, Ernest Rombough, was an ambulance driver for the Canadian military in Italy. My other great-grandpa, Frank Bartlett, was a gun captain on a US Navy ship in the Pacific. I know the stories of how my great-fathers and other people in my family risked their lives to serve and protect their country.
I’m sure, you might have similar family stories. But regardless, we remember the sacrifice it took to protect this country and its values by sharing their stories. This is what remembrance day is all about: remembering people - like us who bravely sacrificed for their country. Some gave up their lives, health, and time to fight for freedom and the continued prosperity of our country.
So on November 11th at 11 o’clock, take a moment of silence and remember our veterans. Remember your family and friends of the family who fought. Remember those who died and remember those who lived. Remember those whose names and stories are lost.
Lest we Forget
By: Mia Splane